Dawakhana Faiz Unani

Dawakhana Faiz Unani is an integrated Unani medicine manufacturing company in the service of mankind with ISO certified registration. Ayush certified company. It was incorporated in the year of 1972 by Hakeem Mohd Faiyaz Ali, s/o. late. Hakeem Mohd Osman Ali situated in the city of Hyderabad. Now the company is growing under CEO MOHD AMJAD ALI FAIZ from the last 15 years. It is a research based Unani medicine manufacturing company producing a wide range of quality, affordable Unani medicine trusted by healthcare Unani professionals and patients across geographies. Company has a national footprint in 12 states of India with 29 distributors & we are one of the founder Member of Unani drug manufactured association (UDMA). We mainly focus on quality standard and cost effective   product at all times. we want to mark our presence  in our society by creating a portfolio of reasonable cost medicine to available all and service to the patients for achieving a good result.


Najati Powder

Jarbi Ointment

Qurse Bawasir

Massage Oil

Musli Capsule

Qurse e Nisa

Shababi Nuqravi

Unica Hair Oil

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